Post-Natal Support

SLP support services can assist you in your home to care for your newborn and offer you time to look after yourself whilst providing advice and support to establish routines.

Parenting is challenging, and no matter how prepared or relaxed you are, the first year with a new baby can be a difficult but very rewarding time.

Parental Support
Parental Support

You may feel overwhelmed but remember there is no right or wrong way – by loving your baby and caring for his/her needs you will find a style of parenting which works for you and your family.

Post natal support

SLP Support Services can support you through this life-changing journey – both with personal individual therapy or couples therapy to explore your overwhelming emotions but also with the practical aspects like establishing routines and sleep training.


Individual Therapy: £50 for 50 minute session

Couples Therapy: £80 for 50 minute session

Sleep Training: £100 initial assessment and sleep training plan

Support with childcare / establishing routines: £20 per hour

what our clients say about us

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive”

Brene Brown